Bihar Craft Fair Bangalore Unit (View)

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16

Date CreatedEntity PAN NoEnter Your Entity NameChoose Your Trade
February 19, 2023SAPANA KARNMadhubani Painting
February 19, 2023AHNPA1572BMUSKAN HANDLOOMHandloom
February 19, 2023KEAPS4766BSHARIQUE SHAHNAWAZWeaving
February 18, 2023ABUFM3298BManipuri Bamboo ArchitectureBamboo Craft
February 17, 2023Tinku kumarFood & others
February 17, 2023Bsapk1321hAVA HANDICRAFTSFood & others
February 16, 2023Ranjan rajFood & others
February 16, 2023AAPCA4081RAgrifeeder Agricultural Services Pvt LtdFood & others
February 16, 2023AGDPR6711JHouse of MaithiliHandloom
February 15, 2023AAHAK1232GKritpur Gram Udyog Sahyog Samiti Ltd.Leather Craft
February 15, 2023sanjay prasad guptaFood & others
February 15, 2023AACAR9715NResham khadi vikas sahyog samiti ltdKhadi
February 15, 2023AABCY2454JYourheritage pvt. ltd. (StartUp)Teracotta Craft
February 15, 2023Zubaida handloom b s s s ldtHandloom
February 13, 2023Gajendra kumarHandloom
February 10, 2023ASRAFUL HAQUESujani Craft
Date CreatedEntity PAN NoEnter Your Entity NameChoose Your Trade
Previous Bihar Craft Fair Bangalore (View)

Upendra Maharathi Shilp Anusandhan Sansthan
Patliputra Industrial Area
Patna – 800 013. Bihar. India.

Opening Hours:

Mon – Sat: 10:00 am – 05:00 pm

Meeting Hours:

Artisans/Weavers can meet Director on every Saturday between 3:00PM to 5:00 PM.

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